TTV+ Buyers: What Are Buyers Looking For?

Hannah von Eggelkraut-Gottanka, Acquisitions Manager – Autentic GmbH Division Autentic Distribution in Germany, spoke to TTV+ about the content she’s looking for in the international market.

Hannah von Eggelkraut-Gottanka, Acquisitions Manager – Autentic GmbH Division Autentic Distribution in Germany, spoke to TTV+ about the content she’s looking for in the international market.

What kind of content are you looking for?

We are always looking for a very wide range of genres. Two that probably stick out the most at the moment are science and wildlife, blue-chip documentaries, where there’s always a very high demand.

What kind of ideas or stories are you looking for in order to feed your channel/platform?

For us, because we operate worldwide, it’s always important that there’s a strong global appeal to the documentary so that as many clients as possible from as many countries as possible can be interested.

What do formats and fictions need to have for you to show interest in them?

For us to be interested, ideally it’s a docu-series with several episodes and it has to be pop-sciency so that it’s easy, accessible and understandable for the regular audience.

Is there any specific title that has caught your attention during the last 12 months?

We’ve had very special documentary in our lineup which was actually produced by our production department called Love Around the World.

Is there a title that has worked particularly well on your screen?

At the moment it’s the green topics: environment, sustainability, climate change and so on, are always very much in demand.
