Netflix Sets Up Four Original Brazilian Productions With Local Talent

The new Netflix original titles in Brazil are Caramelo by Migdal Filmes, O Filho de Mil Homens by Barry Company and Biônica Filmes, Vicentina Pede Desculpas by Filmes de Plástico, and a family comedy produced by Camisa Listrada.

In 2024, Netflix is preparing to delight movie lovers with its upcoming Brazilian productions. Four national films, ranging from drama to comedy, are currently in production. Shooting is taking place in four Brazilian states and even in Bariloche, Argentina. The productions feature a stellar cast.

The productions in development reinforce Netflix’s commitment to supporting and promoting Brazilian cinema, highlighting local stories and expanding partnerships with local talent.

“We want audiences to find a wide variety of high-quality Brazilian films that resonate with different viewers. Our goal is to showcase the creative potential and diversity of national cinema, helping to cultivate an audience that values locally made productions,” said Gabriel Gurman, Netflix’s director of films in Brazil.


First, actor Rafael Vitti joins canine star Amendoim as the lead in the funny and emotional Caramelo. This heartwarming drama pays tribute to one of Brazil’s greatest cultural symbols, the stray dog.

Produced by Migdal Filmes in its first partnership with Netflix, the film is directed by Diego Freitas (Beyond the Universe, Betrayal in Flames), who also conceived the original idea.

Shot in São Paulo, the story follows Pedro, a determined chef on the verge of fulfilling his dream of running a restaurant, until an unexpected diagnosis upends his life. With the help of a charming stray dog, he embarks on an emotional journey of rediscovery, finding meaning and inspiration in the present.

Netflix also announced the cast of Caramelo, including Arianne Botelho, Noemia Oliveira, Ademara, Kelzy Ecard, Bruno Vinicius, Roger Gobeth Olívia Araujo, Cristina Pereira, and Carolina Ferraz.

Diego Freitas, Rod Azevedo, and Carolina Castro wrote the screenplay, with advice from Marcelo Saback and Vitor Brandt.

The film also relies on animal trainer Luis Estrelas, who ensures the welfare of the animals during filming, and on the advice of American trainer Mike Miliotti (Garfield), who has been training and caring for animals in the film and television industry for more than twenty years.

Son of a Thousand Men

Another important announcement is the adaptation of Valter Hugo Mãe’s novel, O Filho de Mil Homens (The Son of a Thousand Men). Starring Rodrigo Santoro, the film is directed and written by Oscar nominee Daniel Rezende.

The story follows Crisóstomo, a lonely fisherman who, at 40, feels the emptiness of not having a son and dreams of becoming a father. In his search for authentic and deep bonds, he meets Camilo, an orphan boy, and decides to raise him, creating a unique and unconventional family. Believing that “when you dream big enough, reality follows”, the narrative explores the beauty and complexity of human relationships, addressing themes such as acceptance and the formation of new family bonds.

Shot in Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, and in small towns in the interior of Bahia, the feature film is produced by Barry Company and Biônica Filmes. The cast includes Rebeca Jamir, Johnny Massaro, Miguel Martines, Juliana Caldas, Grace Passô, Inez Vianna, Lívia Silva and Antonio Haddad.

Family Comedy

Of course, there’s also a must-see comedy filled with family adventures and lots of snow. Netflix’s new untitled family comedy follows Otávio (Leandro Hassum), a father who is forced to travel with his family to Bariloche, Argentina, to meet his daughter Mariana’s (Júlia Svacinna) Argentine fiancé.

Between breathtaking landscapes, falls on the ice, and awkward attempts to speak Spanish, Otávio must navigate a major misunderstanding caused by jealousy and inappropriate behavior, all to save his daughter’s wedding… and their relationship.

Brazilian and Argentine talents will entertain the audience: alongside Júlia and Hassum are Gabriel Goity, Simón Hempe, Karina Ramil, Mariela Pizzo, João Barreto, and Abril di Yorio. Filmed in Rio de Janeiro and Bariloche, the movie is produced by Camisa Listrada, directed by Felipe Joffily, and written by Leandro Soares and Lucas Blanco.

Vicentina apologizes

Finally, the film Vicentina Pede Desculpas, directed and written by Gabriel Martins, the acclaimed creator of Mars One, is being shot in Belo Horizonte. Actress Rejane Faria will play the leading role.

Produced by Filmes de Plástico, Gabriel’s own production company, the film tells the story of a 75-year-old woman who must deal with the death (and speculation about a possible suicide) of her son, who was the bus driver and all the passengers after the overcrowded bus falls off a bridge.

Vicentina decides to embark on a journey in search of the victims’ families to apologize to them. With a sensitive and introspective approach, the film explores the themes of forgiveness, redemption, and grief in a sensitive and realistic way. The cast includes Maira Azevedo, Giovanna Heliodora, Thalma de Freitas, and Grace Passô.
