The director of Content Distribution and Associations, Business Development at Globo spoke with ttvnews at LA Screenings about the new titles they are presenting at the market.

*By Luis Cabrera and Fernando Moreno, from Los Angeles

Owners of some of the most popular titles in Brazil and the international market, Globo was present at LA Screenings in search of new alliances and sales, with a clear objective: “connect with audiences.”

“We very much believe that audiences are increasingly accepting and looking for melodramas, stories with which they can connect with the characters,” Isadora Filpi, director of Content Distribution and Associations, Business Development at Globo, began in a conversation with ttvnews.

“For example, in the US we see the things that Shonda Rhimes is doing like Grey’s Anatomy, the hits that were Ugly Betty, Jane The Virgin. We see that there is room for powerful stories, good stories, which can be one season or other seasons, that they have a hook to connect with the characters,” she continued.

“We believe that Globo has exactly this. We have powerful series and telenovelas, with stories that bring everything that the audience is looking for, to connect and feel part of history. We believe in this differential of our content to reach the US market and start there with good possibilities”.

“Globo is much more than just telenovelas,” explained the executive. “We produce content for broadcast TV, streaming, more than 20 pay TV channels in Brazil. We have very diversified content and we clearly believe that they are also very powerful content for formats,” she added, giving as an example the new series Justice: mala conducta, a format so good that even they themselves have renewed it.

“It is a format that has gone so well that we even renewed it. We have the first season with four crimes and now the second with the same format, but it is not a continuation,” she explained.

Finally, the executive highlighted her production, Renacer. “There is no way not to make the connection with Pantanal. It is the same actor and has a great relationship. In Brazil it is doing very well, we are very happy with the results. We already see a lot of market interest in the title. It has the power and the elements to make it an international success as it is in Brazil, and as Pantanal was,” she concluded.
