TTV 20 Years: Deeny Kaplan

TTVNews celebrates its first 20 years, inviting friends and industry colleagues to share their personal experiences over the past two decades. Deeny Kaplan, Executive Vice President at The Kitchen, answers “Where were you 20 years ago?”

This 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of TTVNews, a big reason to celebrate for the group which is consolidating itself as one of the go-to media platforms in the audiovisual industry in Latin America.

And to mark the occasion, we’ve invited friends and colleagues to share their experiences, challenges and lessons learned over the last 20 years in this industry.

This time, Deeny Kaplan, Executive Vice President at The Kitchen, answers “Where were you 20 years ago?”

Where were you 20 years ago?

The Kitchen is almost 23 years old, so 20 years ago, I was where I am now at The Kitchen. We have gone from three people to hundreds of people worldwide, with locations throughout Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East. We had tremendous growth in Miami, with 17 studios, and I hope to be here for another 20 years.

What was your first industry event?

I attended my first international convention when I was in college. I was visiting my parents in Washington, DC, and Natpe was being held there. I had a friend who was attending, and he asked me to go with him. I had no idea what it was. This time in Natpe, I met people from all companies creating hardware for the entertainment industry. That’s when I understood that this was what I wanted to do with my life.

What do you see as the future of the industry?

Thinking about the future of this business, I can tell you, having been in it so long, that every day, every phone call brings something new that could change the future for all of us in the industry.

I think the key is to be open, go with the flow, go with the changes, and accept things that you may not understand right away. For the sake of the industry, you’re going to go ahead and move with it and take advice. 

Happy birthday, TTVNews. I appreciate the work you do for us and the entire industry on a day-to-day basis. We couldn’t do it without you. Happy birthday and happy anniversary. We’re delighted to be a part of your journey.
