The director of the International Area at the Spanish production company spoke with ttvnews about the results obtained in this edition of Mipcom, where they presented projects in various stages of development and in search of production partners.

*With production by Luis Cabrera and Ana Paula Carreira, from Cannes, France

Echoing the great trend in terms of the increase in international co-productions with development and financing partners, Plano a Plano, one of the most recognized production companies in Spain, travelled to Cannes in search of new strategic alliances for its wide catalog of projects.

The production company participated in the new edition of Mipcom, where Spain stands out as a Country of Honor and has been the protagonist of various activities with the help of ICEX and Audiovisual From Spain. “ICEX has played a fundamental role in this edition with Spain as the Country of Honor,” Esther Agraso, director of the International Area of Plano a Plano, began in a conversation with ttvnews.

“They have organized a series of very interesting activities with producers from different territories, France, Mexico… they have helped to open new contacts with companies or clients that we did not have. That is always fantastic for us. Anything that opens new channels of communication with new countries or interlocutors is always good,” she added.

Thus, the production company will leave Cannes “very satisfied with the market,” one that remains indispensable in its calendar of annual events.

“For us, Mipcom is essential, we never miss it every year. This time, we came with several co-production projects at different stages. Some with a small funding gap and others at a more initial stage. In some cases we were looking for a distribution arm that could fill that funding gap, and in other cases looking for a co-producer that would join the projects from a more initial development phase. We came with several projects and we are leaving with a good feeling,” said the executive.

“Now comes the follow-up and we will see what happens, of course. But we see the market more active and our projects were mainly with Europe, where we do perceive a lot of activity. It is true that in the US the issue is a little more stagnant, but for us with Europe we believe that from here we will find partners and travelling companions,” she concluded.
