Virtual Marketplace
A Global Stage
for TV Content
- +500 International Distribution and Production Companies
- Available 24/7
- Access to an advanced search where you can filter by genre, format, subgenre, number of episodes, country of origin, and much more
- Trend analysis, a most watched ranking and access to new players
- Customized settings to fit preferences, set-up alerts and notifications
- List of favorites

- Live Streaming with exclusive presentations and panels
- Available live or On Demand
- Access to profiles of registered executives
- Virtual booth: discover the complete profile of each International Distributor, Production Company or Service
- Networking: more options to expand your contact network
in real time
- Real time communication between Buyers and Sellers
- Match: real time 1 to1 meetings
- Available video call, chat and messages

Reports on Trends,
Data and Analytics
Full feedback reports
- Interactive reports on the latest global trends for buyers
- Content analysis on demand
- Access to a ranking of the most viewed and most sear- ched content, by genre, type of content, country of origin, and more
- In depth analytic information. Market figures.
- A contact for the buyers that entered specific sites and screened specific videos
Case Studies
- Aimed at global buyers, we will present a weekly Case Study with the most highlighted content
- We will take a look at the causes and the drivers of success, giving a voice to both producers and distributors, as well as to those directly responsible for acquisitions and programming
- The aim: to provide acquisitions and programming executives with a broader and more complete view the most successful content, in order to promote its purchase
- Our team of editors and analysts will develop the case together with the distribution company

Reinvented Magazine:
Digital and Interactive
- A completely responsive design for mobile
- Interactive version with integrated videos and images
- Interactive adds to guarantee a better engagement
- One-click access to contact information
Mobile App
Create a unique and personalized experience thanks to the many features offered on our app
- Available for iOS and Android
- Features to customize your app
- Notifications: stay informed at any time
- Interactive: we generate engagement before, during and after the event